Thursday, May 31, 2007

Wonderbunny Macadamianut

The last blog reminded me of something I wrote some time ago. It was about a superhero. A superhero invented, and inspired, by me;

What if there was a superhero named Wonderbunny Macadamianut? What would his super power be? Would he be abnormally quick? Able to deliver a killer two foot back kick? Produce offspring at an alarming rate? What would walking through the hallowed halls of the Justice League be like for him? Would the other male super heroes taunt him? Cat call? Whip his fluffy ass with wet towels? Would the female superheroes coo and cradle him in their arms? Stroke his fluffy ears? Carry his children to term? What would his catch phrase be? "You don't know jackrabbit" or "What's so bunny?" or maybe "Hare-y up and die!" His nemesis would definitely be The Chupacabra, or The Goat Sucker, or the barn owl. Carrots would be his spinach, and wolves his kryptonite. Would he struggle with an alternate identity? Like Mark Hare? Or Bunny Bob Thornton? Would he have an awkward love affair with someone named Little Rabbit Foo Foo? Maybe a Playboy bunny? What would his secret hide-out be called? The Rabbit Hole? The Rabbit Cage? UVic? I would like to see these questions answered. I'd like to see a Wonderbunny Macadamianut. I'd like to see him some day hopping through the forest, picking up evil field mice, and bonking them on the head.

I wonder what Wonderbunny would look like...........

New Found Power

Do you believe in alternate realities? Have you ever felt like you were somebody else, but in the same life? I feel like an alternate person who has been dropped into the same reality. I feel misplaced, like a set of keys, and can’t help wondering if there is somebody out there looking for me. I feel like I’m under the couch cushion and all they have to do is move it to find me and carry me away, but there is no couch cushion, and I am not a set of keys, or is that what the set of keys thinks too? I can’t shake the feeling that I am bigger than all of this; bigger than this house, than this island, I’m bigger than the whole world. I feel like I could swallow the sun in one gulp and wash it down with the Milky Way. Everything around me seems so insignificant, like a fly buzzing around my head. Should I shoo it all away? Should I close my eyes and pretend it’s not there? Or should I let it land and lay eggs, let its larva burrow into my skin, grow inside me, and eat my flesh. Should I let it infect me, or should I affect it? I feel like I have the power to change everything around me, to make everything that festers into something new. The problem is what to do with this power. Every superhero has struggled with identity; Good or Evil, Right or Wrong, or just a simple need to know where one stands with the world, and if the world stands with them. It’s an eternal internal battle to define the super power growing within. Stan Lee said, “With great power comes great responsibility,” and he was right. Untapped power gnaws at you like an insane rat. It endlessly tests its boundaries, and if it’s never given a chance to constructively stretch its legs, it will manifest itself in whatever way it can, uncontrollably, and often with disastrous results. I have to use this fire inside before it consumes me and sets the entire world ablaze. I have to let it out before it lashes out. I have to change the world, before the world changes me….back.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Lucrative (not really) Job Opportunity - Apply Within

I worked yesterday. Not for money, or food, or anything else you might see on a sign in a rubby's hands downtown. I worked for safety. There is a ramp to the front door of my second story apartment, because the deck rotted and I had to tear it off and didn't feel like building another deck (for a while I actually used a ladder, but pulling groceries up by rope was getting annoying), so I took the easy way out and built a steep ramp. I just put some asphalt roofing down for grip. Good enough, except in the winter. Sometimes when there is snow, or frost...or dew, I have to take a running start at the ramp. And forget about guests, which leads me to why I worked for safety yesterday. This weekend is the annual local soccer tournament, and there is a possibility that my place will be my team's interim clubhouse (it's a very good possibility because I am the only one on my team who actually lives here). There will be traffic, and if I know my drunk friends, they are not the most stable people around. They can be like Jenga towers with only bottom pieces missing. So yesterday I built a handrail. At first I didn't like the idea of a handrail, because I felt that the daunting, slippery ramp kept away unwanted visitors, and I was loath to let that go, but I felt the need to dismiss my love of hermitude for the good of the team, for the time being. It would be a tragedy for some drunken buffoon to fall off the ramp, thus ending any hope of playing in the Final with us on Monday. I did this for others. It occurred to me though, that it's not actually the work that I have been avoiding all this time. It's the bosses. I can work. I even remembered that I like it a little. I just don't like being told what to do, even for money, unless it's a lot of money. Then you can pretty much tell me to do whatever. Anyway, I've decided to become independently wealthy. I have a few ideas, a few inventions on the back burner (actually one of them is this really good idea for a new kind of back burner). Now I just need somebody to do all the work for me for not much pay, because in the last five sentences I actually re-remembered that I don't really like work at all. Any takers?

Monday, May 14, 2007


Swearing. I don’t really curse a lot, not like a lot of street people I’ve seen at bus stops anyway. I like to keep up the pretense that I am a sophisticated gent. I throw in the occasional bomb for emphasis, but generally I am a very clean mouthed individual. That is unless I’m talking to my Dad. I don’t know what it is, but I cuss like an East End whore when I’m talking to my Dad. I’m rarely swearing at him. I’m merely over-emphasizing everything I say to the point that the coarse language sometimes outnumbers the refined. I wonder if it’s a twisted Freudian thing. If anybody has any insight, please let me know. To my Dad’s credit, he doesn’t even blink anymore. F***s, J***s, and B******s have become standard fare. I think I even heard him throw in a H**** the other day, the foul mouthed bastard.

Sunday, May 13, 2007


Traveling with somebody can be a very good test of a relationship. I learned this in my recent travelings of Central America with my brother. On the whole we got along very well. There were speed bumps, hiccups if you will, but in general I though that the trip made us stronger brothers. Maybe I was wrong. This morning some of us went to Tim Horton’s (it’s a Canadian thing) for breakfast sandwiches. They’re like McDonald’s breakfast sandwiches but on a tea biscuit or some damn thing. Anyway, my brother was ahead of me in line and I heard him order something special, so I asked him, “Did you just order something special?” and he replied, “It’s a secret.” I thought he was joking so I went along. “Oh, you’re not going to tell me your secret?” I said jokingly, but then he actually didn’t. It turned out he was getting his breakfast sandwich on a croissant because it’s better, and refused to tell me so that I couldn’t get one! That little son of a bitch (sorry Mom, and on Mother’s Day too…) wanted the croissant experience all to himself. I’ve decided to go over our whole C.A. trip in my mind to see if I can think of any other examples of selfishness or jerkitude that he perpetrated on me without my realizing, and if I do, he’s getting a swirlee to end all swirlees.

The more you sleep...

Has anybody ever noticed that the more you sleep the more tired you are? Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining about sleeping more, but I sure am tired these days. I think sleeping is an addiction. It's like smoking. I just want a cigarette!!(nap) But I don't have time to smoke(sleep) I have practice in 2 hours and if I smoke now(sleep now) my lungs will hurt(I'll be too tired to be effective). You see how it's exactly the same? Now I'm addicted to Facebook AND sleeping, and how is that going to work?? There's a turf war going, every night a knife fight in my head. "Man, I'm tired...maybe I'll just add a few pictures...sooo tired...oh (insert name here) has updated their activities and quotes." It's a constant battle, which is even more tiring. I think the Facebook in me might be a little malicious too. While the rest of me is sleeping, the Facebook part is staging a protest. It has instituted a sleep embargo. Maybe that's why I still haven't felt fully rested. Maybe it’s because I’ve been drinking heavily and sleeping on a couch that’s too short for me in my clothes in a sleeping bag, that's too short for me. Maybe it’s a combination of things. Still good morning wood though.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Happy Times

I think the best thing about not having insomnia anymore is getting morning wood again.

Friday, May 11, 2007

I Figured It Out

I think I finally figured out insomnia. It’s so easy! Ok, this is how it used to be for me. I hardly slept. I wouldn’t sleep all night, at least until the wee hours, usually three or so. Then when I finally did fall asleep I’d be too tired to get up in the morning so I would sleep in. I’d drag myself out of bed at noon, or 1, because I always feel like I have to accomplish something to feel good about myself, but I would feel terrible so I’d drink two or three coffees to wake myself up. I’d eat something, sometimes, and then mess around on the computer until I felt up to doing something. Sitting around makes me tired so I would go into town for a double cappuccino, but by then it’s like 4 or 5 o’ clock so there wouldn’t be any point in doing yard work, or any work, so when I got home I’d jump back on the computer to maybe write something and try to kill the evening so I could go to bed at a decent hour and try to sleep. But I don’t sleep! I’m awake until the wee hours…usually three or so…

That is all in the past. I’ve been thinking a lot about insomnia, with my fresh perspective, and this is what I came up with. I have never been a very good sleeper, but the real bad insomnia only started a couple of years ago…give or take. I’m pretty sure it was brought on by depression and anxiety. But now that I am climbing out of the valley of depression to the hilltop of warmth and self assurance, I should be able to sleep, no? No. But it’s different. I think now I don’t sleep because of the anxiety caused by insomnia. I believe I won’t sleep so I don’t sleep. I manifest insomnia on myself. But that is no longer! Last night at about 1:30 I thought, “I’m about ready to get some sleep.” It wasn’t a conscious thing, it was completely spontaneous. Then I just went to bed and fell asleep immediately. I slept until 9:30! It was the longest sleep I can remember having.

This morning brought on the realization that insomnia is only in my head. I can sleep if I want to. I just didn’t want to bad enough. I’m ready now. I’m ready to sleep, and to dream!! Oh how I long to dream. So that’s it. That’s insomnia. It’s not a scary thing, or an evil thing. It’s not even anything. It’s just an idle thought that grabs hold and won’t let go until you realize it’s still hanging around. It’s like that annoying piece of corn in your teeth like two weeks later. You’re like, “What the hell is this piece of corn doing in here?” so you pick it out and realize that your teeth feel so much better. I’ve finally picked my sleep teeth and I really do feel better. It’s like a weight off my dream gums. I’m going to sleep so soundly tonight….oh, I might be going to a keg party…

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Facebook = The Devil, among other things

So it has come to my attention that I am addicted to Facebook. I didn't heed the warnings. I never do. I shunned Facebook for a long time, because Facebook is for weiners, but eventually I gave in, because the picture sharing is handy, and as much as I love being a hermit, I guess I do like communities. But if you suck don't come requesting friendship! Anyway, after getting home from the Central Americas I opened an account and haven't been off since. I think maybe I've been on Facebook for 50 hours now. I don't mean had an account. I mean I think I've been on Facebook for 50 hours now! I haven't slept, I've barely eaten. The only evidence of any nourishmment having happened in here is the empty microwave burrito wrappers all over the floor and the empty tin of powdered Gatorade. At least I'm staying hydrated. I guess what I'm trying to say is DO NOT GET FACEBOOK. It will control your life until you're out of Gatorade and your lips start cracking from dehydration and your bowels start rumbling from all the beef and beans. That didn't even happen to me in Guatemala! Or Nicaragua! So be careful. If you're ever invited to join Facebook CLOSE YOUR EYES AND COVER YOUR EARS, because it will take your soul without a contract.

Two Nights in Cancun

I recently spent some time in Mexico and Central America, and am in the process of writing the story. I was going to try to get it published, but let's be serious, I am not getting this travesty published. So it will become what any failing writer's failed projects become, a blog. Enjoy.

Cancun is decadent. It's ridiculous. I met a girl there who thinks it's the greatest place on Earth. I disagree. Maybe when I was 19, but not 29. It was too much for me. Having said that, I had a lot of fun. I was very nearly arrested the first night. I was being dragged off by security before a girl came running over to explain things. I had already been warned twice not to swim in the pool, and had been threatened with arrest, when something I said compelled her to push me in. I don't even remember what it was. She felt so bad about the whole thing though, that she invited me up to her room, with her husband and friend, so they could get me so drunk I couldn't walk. A peace offering. I have no idea when I left, and I had no idea where I was going. All I remember about that part of the night is that I got very, very lost. I wandered around the resort for hours (probably less). I walked through door after door and never found my room. At the peak of desperation I walked through a door and found myself on the roof. "Fuck it" I thought, and laid down. The sun woke me up, beating down on me and the red roof I was curled up on. I went back inside and somehow found my room within minutes. I never did find that door again though, and still have no recollection of where I was. The second night I was up for an adventure. At some point I got bored and left the resort. I was looking for something a little more real. Something...Mexican. I came across a bum sitting outside a liquor store, drinking booze from a huge plastic bag. I sat down and it turned out he even spoke English. We had a grand time laughing and sharing his booze bag. When it was done I told him I was off for another adventure. He begged me to stay. "You'll be killed!" he exclaimed. "You can't just wander around alone!" I would have none of it. "Nothing will happen to me," I assured him. "I'm invincible." I staggered down the street and came to a huge tower. There was an outside elevator that went all the way around that people could ride to the top for a majestic view of Cancun's resort row. It was closed of course but I thought, "What a view it would be at night" so I broke in. There is no ladder inside. There is no way to get up or down if the elevator is broken. I don't know about you, but I think that's a safety issue. Disappointed that I couldn't climb a tower, I staggered on down the street. I saw a pizza delivery scooter and thought, "The only thing that could cheer me up right now is a taco." I approached the delivery guy and said, "I want you to take me to the best taco in Cancun." "You want a piece of pizza?" he replied."No. The best taco in Cancun. I'll give you twenty dollars."He jumped at that. We climbed onto Pablo's scooter, me squashed between him and the big wooden box on the back that he keeps the pizza in. Pablo cranked on the throttle and the little scooter shot off down the road, headed for old Cancun. The real, real Cancun. Mexico. We raced through city streets, weaving around cars, and sometimes in between them. A few times I thought my knees were going to hit their mirrors. Before long we pulled up to a crowded little stand. I told Pablo to order me two tacos, and get himself something too. I don't remember what was on them, but they were the best tacos I have ever had. We both got seconds. When we were done engorging ourselves I needed a drink. "Do you want some beer?" I asked. Pablo just shrugged and motioned me over to the little red rocket. We stopped at a gas station and grabbed a six pack, then headed back toward the resort to sit and drink. It was an uneventful ride back, other than the road block we came across while careening around a corner. Pablo thought fast and turned down the next alley, narrowly missing a stray dog. We raced down a few alleys to throw Smoky off our tail and then made our way back home. Pablo and I shared our six pack with a security guard at a picnic table a block from my resort, and when we were all done I said my goodbyes and headed for bed. I was adventured out for the night, and desperately needed sleep. The previous night's had not been restful. At an all inclusive resort you wake up and drink. Some days I woke up, got drunk, realized I was unfit to be in public and went back to bed. I would sleep for an hour or so and try again. Some days I did this three or four times before I could manage to stay up. That second day was a three napper. Again I don't remember what I did in the evening, but that night I was out trying to find Pablo. He was not around. I had a twenty dollar bill burning a hole in my pocket that wasn't nearly as big as the hole in my stomach that only a taco could fill, or the hole in my heart that only sharing a scooter with another man on the streets of Cancun could mend.

Mission Statement

This being my first blog I thought I should introduce myself. My name is Huntley Smith, and I hail from Salt Spring Island, B.C. That's in Canada. I'm trying to become a writer because I'm tired of bleeding every time I go to work. Paper cuts I can handle. Let me know if you think I suck. I'll use it as fuel for the literary fire...that kind of sounds like a book burning doesn't it? Maybe don't let me know at all. If i do suck and you tell me I might start burning books in an alcohol induced rage. Nothing good can come of that.

I guess I should give the person who introduced me to this whole thing a plug while I'm here. Check out She's very funny, and apparently pukes a lot? Thanks Marigold! This one is dedicated to you.