Sunday, November 4, 2007

Thought Colander

The problem with trying to live a spiritual, care-free lifestyle is that there are far too many people around who are not. I guess that’s why so many people struggle to find that peace of mind. There is just precious little peace out there. There’s far too much noise. I often find it hard to sleep with all that noise zooming around on the Collective Consciousness. It keeps me tossing and turning, trying to shut my mind off to it, but what I really want is open up and access it. I just don't want all of it. I want to tap into the psychic Trade Winds of knowledge, but I need some kind of filter to keep out all the useless, distracting information. Could there be such a thing? How do people meditate in the city? They must have devised some kind of filter for the subconscious that only allows what they need to pervade their minds. Where can I find something like that? My waking mind is bad enough, but at night it’s as if everybody is thinking at once, and my antenna is picking up all of it. I once dreamed of a silence tape that would drown out all sound. Now I dream of a thought colander, a butterfly net for mind, so I can frolic through the Meadows of Dreams catching only the most fascinating things, allowing the rest to fly on and bother somebody else.

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