Wednesday, August 29, 2007

A Work In Progress

The world is cyclic, ever spinning, ever repeating. Unless we read the signs, our sins too will be repeated. Patterns are everywhere, in nature, in the choices we make, in our every day interactions. To evolve we must be able to recognize the patterns, and heed the warnings. If we can’t we’re doomed to make the same mistakes, over and over again, passing ineptitude down for generations. Some have that ability; the clinical thinkers, the people who can look at a situation from outside it, and base their opinions or decisions on rational thought. These people learn from their mistakes, and their lives are enriched in turn. Many though, have an innate inability to clinically evaluate and instead will rationalize irrational behaviour to suit what they believe to be right. These are people who can’t see beyond their own selfish needs, and fail to recognize how their actions affect those around them. In most cases they are likely only going on what they know, what they were taught, or learned through experience, but herein lies the problem. An inability to adapt only helps sin beget sin, and the cycle continues unchecked. How can we evolve as a people if we’re surrounded by people incapable of evolution? We’re all doomed to the same fates, as are our children, if we are unable to see the patterns, much less do something about them.

Ask yourself, can you step back from a situation and attempt to look at all sides? Can you put yourself in another’s shoes? Can you understand another’s opinion, or at least where it comes from?

Do you rationalize without thought? Will you write those other opinions off as blasphemy if they don’t match your own? Do you feel like you repeat yourself?

If the latter is true, do you often find yourself in the same situations? Do you wonder why it seems like everybody is against you, and nobody understands? Perhaps you need re-evaluate how you look at things. Perhaps you need to heed the warning signs, learn from your mistakes, and evolve.

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