According to researchers at
I believe in the annihilation of Mankind. That is my cause. Intelligent people should have been making more babies, and the Stupid involved in more farm accidents, but it hasn’t happened that way. Many Intelligent took stock and decided that it was too late to save our planet, and subsequently our race, and as a result decided not to procreate, saving future potentially intelligent children the agony of living immersed in inferiority on a barren rock. Conversely, the Stupid just keep on popping out babies like idiot factories. Our society is severely watered down, like a teabag on its third pot.
Al Gore believes we can save the planet. But is it true? Can we truly reverse the damage we’ve done? The experts say if we all start now we can, but does anybody actually think that is going to happen? Take a good look at any major corporation, or US foreign affairs strategies, and you’ll see we are a long way from convincing anybody who’s making any money destroying the planet to do anything to save it.
Environmentalists are cowards. They want us to think they’re trying to help, but what do they do? Carry placards, chain themselves to trees, they put on a good show, but there are no selfless acts. They just can’t admit to themselves that the world is already doomed. Environmentalists fear their own mortality, yet they’re prepared to watch our world slowly die. They won’t take the necessary steps. They’re afraid to pull the plug.
We need a global purge, like
We can only save the planet by destroying ourselves. The quicker we are gone, the sooner our beloved planet can rebuild, from the beginning. The longer we wait, the more permanent damage is done. We need to get it over with quickly, like killing a deer you just hit with your truck. We need to wage war, spread disease, and support our local famine. We must do whatever we can to rid the Earth of us, for its own good.
The old saying goes, “If you love something, set it free. If it comes back it was meant to be.” (Actually I may have improved it). Let’s put a twist on that old saying. Let’s free Earth of our torment, and if in a few billion years we come back, then we can try again to co-exist, because then at least we’ll know we’re supposed to be here, and not that we’re just some kind of planetary HIV.
"we can only save our planet by destryoing ourselves" is that really what you think?
I like it, I agree with some of the things you wrote
talk to you soon
I really do believe that. We're an invasive species. We don't belong here. Arrived on a turtle or some damn thing. Every other species on the planet serves a productive purpose while we merely destroy.
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