Friday, September 14, 2007


They say everybody has a twin somewhere, a doppelganger if you will, but how many out there have actually seen their's? I can’t imagine how weird it would be to come face to face with my exact double (though there have been times I‘ve wished I had a stunt double). Sure, I’ve been told I look a lot like Brad Pitt, Hugh Jackman, and a young James Dean. I was even once likened to the Behemoth, in mini, but those are just vague comparisons. They’re not the real thing. What I’m talking about is an exact replica.

Now, I have never met a physical twin, but I have met somebody who seems to be exactly like me, aphysically, and I find that even weirder. The deeper one delves into another’s psyche, the more unique that person should appear to become, right? How we develop psychologically is a measure of our experiences, and no two people can share the same experiences, unless they never leave each other’s sides. Even then though, their individual physical brain development would cause differences in the way those experiences were perceived and catalogued, ergo, we should all be quite different once we get to the core of ourselves, but apparently this isn’t always the case. The person in question and I have seemingly similar upbringings, schooling in some ways, and, shall I say, parental input, but until recently never crossed paths, and thus could not have cross contaminated each other’s development. How then do our psyches appear to be so alike? Where’s a famous Swiss psychologist when you need one?

This is one of the few questions I’ve posed that I do not already have an answer for. Perhaps my blog is the guilty pleasure of a budding young psychologist on the lookout for a case study (good choice by the way). If so, I submit myself to your prodding, in the name of science, so that we may delve together into the How’s and Why’s of the human mind, and maybe discover what really makes us who we are, and how different are we all really?

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