Monday, May 14, 2007


Swearing. I don’t really curse a lot, not like a lot of street people I’ve seen at bus stops anyway. I like to keep up the pretense that I am a sophisticated gent. I throw in the occasional bomb for emphasis, but generally I am a very clean mouthed individual. That is unless I’m talking to my Dad. I don’t know what it is, but I cuss like an East End whore when I’m talking to my Dad. I’m rarely swearing at him. I’m merely over-emphasizing everything I say to the point that the coarse language sometimes outnumbers the refined. I wonder if it’s a twisted Freudian thing. If anybody has any insight, please let me know. To my Dad’s credit, he doesn’t even blink anymore. F***s, J***s, and B******s have become standard fare. I think I even heard him throw in a H**** the other day, the foul mouthed bastard.

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