Thursday, May 31, 2007

Wonderbunny Macadamianut

The last blog reminded me of something I wrote some time ago. It was about a superhero. A superhero invented, and inspired, by me;

What if there was a superhero named Wonderbunny Macadamianut? What would his super power be? Would he be abnormally quick? Able to deliver a killer two foot back kick? Produce offspring at an alarming rate? What would walking through the hallowed halls of the Justice League be like for him? Would the other male super heroes taunt him? Cat call? Whip his fluffy ass with wet towels? Would the female superheroes coo and cradle him in their arms? Stroke his fluffy ears? Carry his children to term? What would his catch phrase be? "You don't know jackrabbit" or "What's so bunny?" or maybe "Hare-y up and die!" His nemesis would definitely be The Chupacabra, or The Goat Sucker, or the barn owl. Carrots would be his spinach, and wolves his kryptonite. Would he struggle with an alternate identity? Like Mark Hare? Or Bunny Bob Thornton? Would he have an awkward love affair with someone named Little Rabbit Foo Foo? Maybe a Playboy bunny? What would his secret hide-out be called? The Rabbit Hole? The Rabbit Cage? UVic? I would like to see these questions answered. I'd like to see a Wonderbunny Macadamianut. I'd like to see him some day hopping through the forest, picking up evil field mice, and bonking them on the head.

I wonder what Wonderbunny would look like...........

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