Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Lucrative (not really) Job Opportunity - Apply Within

I worked yesterday. Not for money, or food, or anything else you might see on a sign in a rubby's hands downtown. I worked for safety. There is a ramp to the front door of my second story apartment, because the deck rotted and I had to tear it off and didn't feel like building another deck (for a while I actually used a ladder, but pulling groceries up by rope was getting annoying), so I took the easy way out and built a steep ramp. I just put some asphalt roofing down for grip. Good enough, except in the winter. Sometimes when there is snow, or frost...or dew, I have to take a running start at the ramp. And forget about guests, which leads me to why I worked for safety yesterday. This weekend is the annual local soccer tournament, and there is a possibility that my place will be my team's interim clubhouse (it's a very good possibility because I am the only one on my team who actually lives here). There will be traffic, and if I know my drunk friends, they are not the most stable people around. They can be like Jenga towers with only bottom pieces missing. So yesterday I built a handrail. At first I didn't like the idea of a handrail, because I felt that the daunting, slippery ramp kept away unwanted visitors, and I was loath to let that go, but I felt the need to dismiss my love of hermitude for the good of the team, for the time being. It would be a tragedy for some drunken buffoon to fall off the ramp, thus ending any hope of playing in the Final with us on Monday. I did this for others. It occurred to me though, that it's not actually the work that I have been avoiding all this time. It's the bosses. I can work. I even remembered that I like it a little. I just don't like being told what to do, even for money, unless it's a lot of money. Then you can pretty much tell me to do whatever. Anyway, I've decided to become independently wealthy. I have a few ideas, a few inventions on the back burner (actually one of them is this really good idea for a new kind of back burner). Now I just need somebody to do all the work for me for not much pay, because in the last five sentences I actually re-remembered that I don't really like work at all. Any takers?

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